Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Who am I and What am I doing here?

I am a middle aged woman seeking to define herself. I am one who has just begun to ask herself the important questions, such as, ' Am I happy? I mean really happy?'. I am the one who is just beginning to find answers to questions such as this.

The hard part about finding answers is that you don't always like what you find. Once you discover the answer you are compelled to do something with the newly found information. Otherwise, if you don't you will find yourself asking the same question yet again and confronting the same answer also.

So, what am I doing here? I'm makin' some moves based on the answers found and enjoying the ride I must say. This ride has the mixture of exhilaration and fear, somthing like riding a roller coaster. You know your stomach is going to do back flips at the dips and you hate the feeling of possibly wetting yourself, but there's just something special about being able to say, 'Yeah, I did it. I'll do it again. Wanna go with me?'.

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